Me myself and the Universe

A blog about my likes dislikes, thoughts on issues that touch me that are moral,psychological, philosophical, technological, scientific-practically universal. A stage for my thoughts to be put out to the universe through words, photographs, sketches and every other know form of communication that exists, limited by the digital environment of a blog!

Friday, March 15, 2013

The last supper...

I climb the last flight of stairs, tired with the bike ride from my office. The traffic takes a toll on you. I find the door unlocked, my room mate seems to be in. Which is usually rare. He likes to spend his time in the campus once he gets back from his government job. Infact, he seems to spend more time in campus than his job actually!

I rap the door twice, our bell is never switched on, my roomie answers the door looking surprised. "Your Early", are his first words, which is true. Saying this he goes back to the kitchen. I follow him there, drawn by the aroma of dinner, almost ready. He has cooked his favorite dish today, Aloo Bhat ( a type of spiced steam rice with potatoes and veggies) and Pithla (a gravy -like dish made with gram flour). I will miss this dish, the last supper...

Bhushan Chambewar, painter, industrial planner turned urban planner, multiplex dozing, hard core Nagpurian who doesn't like oranges, almost a pure vegetarian, sugar dunking-pickle gobbling monster with a paunch-phobia whom I have known for the past 4 years is leaving and I don't believe it.


He has made me call this old dilapidated flat a home for the past 2 years, cooking up the most amazing food and at the same time cursing me when I most needed it. He has taught me to cook Nagpuri style and made me listen to the latest bollywood hits which I really didn't like to listen.

He is the 'mom' of the house which he absolutely hates being called. Now this kid is all left alone in the land of fafdas and khaman. But this post is not about me. Its about this great friend who has seen me through the crucial years of my very first job, my hobbies, my dreams. I wish him good luck in all his future endeavors  his new job and a normal life back in his home town. Adieu dear friend and god bless!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Random Thoughts(resurrected)....

As I sit in front of my computer browsing through my pictures, I wonder if there is some story in them. However, none seems to emerge. Are all my pictures just pictures or is there more to them? Usually when I come across some new hobby or even an idea, I am very eager to pursue it. But somehow I loose interest over some time in the classic "sour grapes case". I wonder if this picture addiction of mine will meet a similar fate!

The human brain is a strange thing. At times it will get you all excited, getting your adrenalin rushing and suddenly it will make you shrivel under pressure. This pressure, I wonder is it external? The fact that you feel weak in front of someone, or you always want to be someone and you fail trying. Who is at fault?

I relised this "external" force is not around us but within us. It is much easier to put the blame on someone but very difficult to accept our faults(clichéd but true!). Acceptance, that’s another funny word. How easily we accept what people say and turn a deaf ear to what our brain(or do we call it our conscience or its it our heart?).

I can hear the soft murmurings within(as opposed to extroverts who hear it loud!). These murmurings grow louder but still seem out of reach. I think I need a stethoscope. That’s what they call it right? Where will i get that?..the doctor? Maybe a friend can help me.....